Monday, November 24, 2008

My Brilliant Idea to write a book :)

While running I get these crazy ideas.
Awhile ago this idea to write a book came to me. It's very specific--it would be a book about mental and spiritual health slash being a woman today and how it sucks but it's actually possible to be sane in our messed up society. Ha.

I was thinking to just take journal excerpts from all my journals since 6th-ish grade...gosh they are so funny to look at now...and then when I've taken a few social Work classes to add to my Psych background I can actually analyze the crap. Haha.Sounds like fun, no? Well Genna thinks it's a good idea, she's probably going to be my editor. Because all she does right now is "work at Denny's and sit on my couch watching reality TV with Jaxson" and it makes her feel really fulfilled...NOT! LOL.

So yeah...I gotta start on this project soon b/c there's no way I'll have time once school hits in January...And since I'm driven and bored and have had my latte for the day that means NOW I'm starting NOW. SO...the next post will be the first few excerpts from my first ever journal--6th grade--and let me tell you it is quite amusing.

Let me know what you think! Feedback would be awesome!

Have a wonderful day!

Prov 3:5-6 ;)

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