Grandma and Grandpa--
You have NO IDEA how grateful for you, the amazing people you were (and still ARE to me and those whose memories and hearts you continue to live in), and the incredible FAITH you raised my mom with, so that she could raise me with. I was raised from the womb with FAITH, and THAT is the biggest gift anyone could ever give me or ever will. Even though, I have to admit, sometimes I'm mad that you aren't physically here- for the special times-graduation, babies being born, and holidays--I know you are always with me. And GOD is always with me, which is because of YOU and your gift of faith in my mom's and my life. Though I cannot see your faces or hug you each week, I will always have GOD to pray to and listen to, and HE has never let me down.
Thank you for taking me to church and talking to me about God. Because I KNOW, that despite what anyone says or implies, that I WILL be fine and taken care of and have a good life, because of that faith I was so blessed to have been given and shown by you and Grandma and Grandpa. That faith you taught me to appreciate and Love. That faith that I love more than anyone or anything. Because of YOU. A young mother who did an INCREDIBLE job raising her children to be followers of Christ.
I am FOREVER GRATEFUL to you--Mom, Grandma, and Grandpa.
I would not be ME if I hadn't been born into this family.
Thank GOD I was :)

Bri, you are so sweet! There aren't very many people your age with such faith and gratitude. We love you!!
You brought a tear to my eye.
Thanks Krista :)
And thanks Marc! That makes me feel better b/c it brought a few to mine too...:)
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