BUT...he got pulled over for speeding (b/c he was so excited to meet me no doubt, ha) and then Jessica & her b/f got into a fight and so we ended up meeting up w/Kody around 10:30.
And I was starving b/c I'd taken 3 ibuprofen, a vitamin, and an allergy pill all on an empty stomach around 830...b/c I'd just woken up from a nap, wasn't hungry, had a sore throat, and had bad allergies, and most of all, wasn't thinking!
So...to avoid me getting an ulcer and because it was so late we ended up just going to IHOP and eating. And that was OK except that Jessica's b/f is retarded and so conversations involving him were lame and contained too many F words...haha....However, when I talked to Kody by ourselves (during Jessica & Adam's "make-up" and then after IHOP) we had really good conversations. He is really sweet, and is going to school @ BSU to be a psychologist (common interests, yay). The one thing that is awkward is that Jessica (trying to entice me to go out with Kody) told me he was Catholic. Which...he was raised (kind of). But now he is 7th day adventist. Yeah, wow.......I was a little surprised to hear that. BUT I think it is a little unfair to not date him when that's the only thing wrong with him...so I'm giving it another shot. :)
We're going to the BSU/Hawaii tailgate/game tomorrow night, which is SWEET b/c I didn't think I'd get to go!
So yeah...we'll see where this goes...;)
BUT. beforehand @ Moxie Jess & I took some really CUTE pics, and she IS one of my besties...:) So here they are:

yeah she's a goof but i <3 her...;)
Hmm. What else.
My Little Nicole got SECOND @ City!!!!
And the only girl she beat was from BK who is a different division (4A) so THAT means she could WIN STATE!!!! (which she totally deserves to !!!)
I <3 her so much, she is amazing! And wherever she goes next year--BYU, Duke, Oregon State, whatever...she will be INCREDIBLE!
Ok well...I gotta go watch McCain on Letterman (HA!) and Greys I DVR'd.
But PEACE out
and VOTE PEOPLE !!!!
18 more days ;)
Bri, you are so funny! I'm glad you had a great date, and I'm sorry you were sick the other day--your Blog kept booting me off so I couldn't leave a message. In fact, I still can't get here through my blog--crazy. Love ya!
haha you're funny too!
sorry about the blog thats so weird!
love you guys!
Wow, Bri, your boobs look so big.
um. thanks? :)
i think its the angle...
hers are actually bigger than mine haha
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