Because I have the AWFUL flu (i.e. SORE THROAT, shakiness, achy body, cough, runny nose, weird-feeling stomach), and my chest/stomach feel funny.
And also because I slept from midnight to 2 PM yesterday (Saturday) which I am definitely not used to.
So seriously...if you don't take Vitamin C, TAKE IT, I don't care where you are, I bet I wouldn't have got this if I would have!!!! And believe me you do not want what I have, because it's nasty!
Enough about the FLU...
I have a WICKED burn on the under part of my left wrist from work. Thursday, I was baking cookies during my afternoon shift. And, I am not very experienced at actually BAKING the cookies, as I never get afternoon shifts until now. So...I tried to be all cool and flip the cookie sheets using only ONE oven mitt...and, consequently, I got this awful burn. Which will probably turn into a scar for life, and by the way, looks like I tried to slit my wrist--which is AWESOME! Because I'm totally like that! Not...
So here's a picture of the ghastly thing:
yeah...awesome, huh?
it hurt!
i'm making my coworkers get the cookies out of the oven from
now on...
I really hope that with some neosporin and time it will diminish...
So as if having an awful flu and attending the funeral of a 17 year old wasn't enough fun for one of my friends had to turn B#*%# on me!
Yes, wonderful...
I wrote this, and it was very therapeutic. Why not share, seeing as how only roughly 2 people will probably see it, haha:
"Dear Friend"
Dear Friend,
Or should I call you "former friend"? Because that would clearly be more appropriate.
Where do I begin?
You are the absolute worst friend I have ever had. You are the perfect example of a one-sided relationship--I gave you everything-love, support, friendship--while you gave nothing in return.
Strike that.
You actually DID give something: you WERE a good friend. At one point, you taught me an invaluable lesson about self-image and confidence. I could talk to you about anything; you listened and were supportive.
Which, actually makes it worse. If you would have been the typical "friend" in a one-sided relationship, you would have used me and screwed me over, and done nothing good. And I would have realized you were never a good friend, and kicked you out of my life. BUT. You WERE a good friend. Which makes it hurt even more.
Because NOW? You're selfish. You're stupid. You're immature. You're apathetic. You don't listen, you don't care, you don't pay attention. You talk about stupid things, and won't talk about anything important. You do the absolute stupidest crap. You can't even take care of your own freaking self.
I can't believe I cared. I can't believe I worried. I can't believe all the prayers I said for you (and probably will continue to...because I'm like that). I can't BELIEVE you were my hero, a role model, someone who I wanted to be like.
THAT thought-- makes me sick....
Because all you are now is a selfish, empty person.
And you do not have my friendship anymore.
It's gone.
Like everything else in your life.
When are you going to realize you don't have anything?
And that there is more to life than YOUrself?
When you do...
Maybe I will want to talk to you again.
But really?
Who knows. that really, in fact, made me feel better. And I managed to actually speak with this person today and be nice. So that's good.
I don't know...I just don't want to waste time being around someone like this.
It's really hard for me, someone who probably cares too much, to understand her, someone who doesn't care at all.
But, as Lorissa told me. I guess it is better to be a sensitive, compassionate person and get hurt by loving others, than a cold selfish one who can't truly experience love.
Well thats my story, and I'm sticking to it.
Peace, Love, Obama
oops...wrong quote...:-/
Take a deep breath and relax (And remind me never to get on your bad side :-)
haha. yeah i'm over it already pretty much...:)
oh don't worry as long as you're not a complete're safe :D
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