#1--My cousin Leanna is pregnant w/TWINS! Crazy Crazy yes! But, you know, I guess God has a plan. Bubba (Alec is his real name) is really fabulous. I think she is going to move into his house w/his family b/c her dad& stepmom are being complete idiots, demanding she be their live-in babysitter for their 3 children under 3 years old, despite the fact she's almost 6 months pregnant w/twins, and has had fake contractions due to stress on her body. I have to say, @ 4 months she barely looked pregnant, but now she is HUGE! It will be interesting to see how big she gets when she's almost full term!!! I was shopping @ Kohls & bought her a cute maternity shirt, and also two matching little boys' newborn outfits! Oh yeah, I forgot to mention they are identical twin BOYS!! Anyway, I'm just trying to be as supportive as I can, and hope that she can find a job w/less physical activity & better pay, and that Bubba can find one as well. I'm really proud of her for, first of all, keeping the babies, and also for being so strong and mature.
#2--I found out my old roomie/bff Amy from elementary school, jr high, high school, AND College of Idaho is engaged!! Yes, she's been dating Mattie forEVER, and I always knew they'd get married, but still--shocking to see a ring on her finger!! And oh, by the way, they got engaged in late July while in New York working @ Young Life camp, and she failed to mention it to me since then!!!! What the hell?! Whatever, it's just crazy! Here they are:
#3--I dyed my hair!!! I've never ever dyed my hair before, but I just had this spontaneous urge to so I did! It is way darker brown w/some red in it! My friend Brittany who I used to work w/@ Moxie did it, and did a fabulous job! Here are some pics:

#4--I traveled cross country!! My bff Megan, who just graduated college last June, is from Minnesota. Her boyfriend Jesse and his family live in Washington, where she wanted to live, so she decided to move away from her family & home in Minneapolis to live with Jesse's parents (the Chlebecks) in Seattle and get a job! I flew out on Wednesday the 17th and got to Minneapolis that night. Then the next day Megs & I went to the Mall of America!! It was totally sweet, and I got some way cool stuff!! We also hung out w/her family, since it was her last night w/them. The next morning, we took off in her little Ford Escort--Jesse & I named her Shirley, lol--@ 6 AM Central Time!!!! And we drove 14 hours, through Minnesota & North Dakota, all the way to Bozeman, Montana, where we arrived around 8 PM and consequently passed out in our hotel room :) The next morning we woke up and finished our road trip together to Pullman, WA, where Jesse is in MedSchool at Washington State. We actually got to go to the Washington State Portland State football game, b/c Jesse has season student-tickets! It was cool...except for it was freezing, raining, and a blowout of a game!! Wazzu is really NOT that great, and Portland really sucks...so that was kind of boring...but fun to hang out with Megs, Jesse, & Tim (Jesse's roommate). Afterwards we went to Mexican for dinner and then Megs & I hung out while the rest, who were more energetic, went out to party :) In the morning, Megs & I walked around the Wazzu campus, which is beautiful. Then we went out to breakfast w/Jesse & Tim, and before we knew it it was time to go to the airport. The Pullman airport, I might add, is hilariously tiny! And the plane was the smallest I've ever been on, and semi-freaked me out! It carried like 80 people but still...I don't even like flying on big planes! Let's just say I prayed the rosary much of the time ;) which, by the way, was--true story--10 freaking minutes from Pullman to Lewiston, and then a whopping 30 from Lewiston to Boise. Haha. Why in God's name you would fly from Pullman to Lewiston, when it's less than an hour drive is beyond me, but apparently 40 people felt it necessary. Anyway, I got home Sunday night, the 21st. And though I was ready to be done driving I missed being with my bestie all day every day! And being off work :) I was dufus, and didn't bring a camera, so I don't have pics from the trip :( BUT here's a pic of Megan & Jesse :
#5--I had my C of I transcripts sent over to Boise State last week. I'm going to fill out an application online tomorrow. I was looking online, and all of my credits transfer, most of them as higher level classes than they were @ C of I, YaY! I just hope they take my AP credits, and that I'm considered jr. status. I'm so excited to start school again, I'm going to jump right in w/15 credits!!
#6--My boss, Moxie general manager Amanda, is a neurotic crazy person!!!!! She's pregnant but hormones are no excuse! Let's just leave it @ that, I'm not going to get into it.....
#7--Boise State beat freaking Oregon!!! On the road!!! WOOOOOO!!!
#8--I'm on Book 3, Eclipse, of the Twilight series and absolutely LOVING it!!! I managed to finish New Moon and start Eclipse all on my little road trip! AND I bought Breaking Dawn, so I'm all prepared for that. They are so awesome! I'm going to be so sad when I'm done w/all of them!! But I cannot WAIT for the movie to come out!!

#9--GREY'S ANATOMY SEASON 5 premiere!!! It was Thursday night, two hours, and freaking AMAZING!!! Meredith & Derek are back together, and going to move in together. Cristina meets and falls for a Scottish military surgeon (way hot, btw) who ends up saving her when she is impaled in the stomach by a huge icicle! Alex decides to be an ass again to Izzie, who has a heartbreaking vision of Denny. Lexxie is in love with George, and gets teased by McSteamy, but chickens out on telling him. The hospital gets ranked #12 in the nation, which very much pisses off the Chief, b/c it downgrades them from a Level 1 Trauma Center to a Level 2 Trauma Center. However, they still manage to get 6 traumas--3 sets of middle aged couples whose limousines got in accidents on the black ice--including one with a brain hematoma, one who must be frozen to prevent paralysis, one who the Scottish surgeon does a tracheotomy with a pen on, and 2 who are cheating on their spouses with one of the others of the group. Oh, also, Callie and Hahn decide to become lesbian lovers, LOL. And, FINALLY, stupid Rose is out of the picture!!! After joking w/Derek about carrying his child and piercing his hand w/a scalpel during surgery, she decides to transfer to PEDS. Thank God! Yes...much happened here, and I know it will be a great season!
#10--The 1st debate between Senators McCain & Obama was on Friday night, and I watched it w/my dad& stepmom. The main points included neither presidential nominees having a clue as to what they would cut spending-wise to compensate for the $700 billion bailout (yes, awesome), Obama calling McCain "John" the whole time while McCain insisted on calling Barack "Senator Obama," John McCain repeatedly (and I mean @ least 13 times) using the phrase "I don't think Senator Obama understands _________(fill in the blank)," in addition to mentioning over and over again how many years he's been in the senate, all the generals & forgeign leaders he's friends w/, & how the surge was so amazing. Basically the whole thing was pretty entertaining...BUT...you KNOW what is going to be a circus show--the Vice Presidential debate between Joe Biden & Sarah Palin Thursday night...Holy cow that will be probably one of the funniest things I'll ever see. "I can see Alaska from my house!!"--LOL! I'm quite excited for that one...despite the fact it being on that night postpones the next episode of Greys a week.
#11--My new aunt, Becky (who just married my favorite Uncle Gary!)'s daughter Genna, who is turning 22 next week, is coming to visit in a few days and I'm SO PSYCHED!!! Becky & I visited her in West Yellowstone in August and had a blast! I freaking love Genna! We are going to hang out and have tons of fun. YaY!
AND finally, #11--My new favorite song is "Born to Run" by Bruce Springsteen!! B/C it reminds my of my amazing cross country coach from C of I, Pat, who by the way sent me the sweetest email this week. I love him :) "Tramps like us, Baby we were Born to Run..."
And speaking of being born to run, I'm going to go run right now b/c I've been sitting in front of this screen WAYYYY long enough!!!

That's it folks!